DAA Mr. Bulletfeeder


DAA Mr Bulletfeeder

DAA has been the proud European distributor of Mr. Bulletfeeder since 2006, and we have never had an unhappy customer! Anyone and everyone who invested in a Mr. Bulletfeeder absolutely loves it. You wonder how you ever reloaded without one…

If you reload a lot, you quickly appreciate the efficiency and reliability of this ingenious patented system.

However, Mr. Bulletfeeder has always been a little ‚rough‚ in appearance and finish. It was made from existing materials and parts, and as such never had the sleek look and feel of a refined ‚production‚ article. Also, since the bullet feeders have always been hand made, in moderate quantities, production costs have been high, and demand always exceeded availability.

Now, all this has changed! We are proud to introduce the new Mr. Bulletfeeder by DAA. DAA and RAK Systems have teamed up and have retooled and redesigned the Mr. Bulletfeeder, which is now manufactured by Double-Alpha Academy. The new system, manufactured under license by RAK Systems, is lighter in weight and more compact than the previous models. It is easier to install and set up, and has a more professional ‚production‚ look and feel.